Let us tell you more about the sketchbook. You order one of our custom-designed  sketchbooks online and receive along with it a list of thematic prompts:  Choose one or discard them entirely. It’s up to you.

You get to fill the pages with whatever you want—abstract squiggles, detailed portraits, maps and landscapes, diary entries, poems, fragments of images and memories, secrets and declarations of lost love—anything that can be contained within its pages (so no glitter or messy embellishments). 

Sketchbook Library of Ireland Logo

About The Sketchbook

Here’s the genius part—your sketchbook has a UIN (Unique Identification Number), so you’ll upload some details to an online catalog, like search terms and your bio. Then you’ll mail it back to The Sketchbook Library of Ireland Project for the next part of its life:  All sketchbooks are catalogued and kept. There’s no jury, no judgment.

All these sketchbooks—made and mailed in from all over Ireland, will collectively form a library of sorts.  Remember that UIN? That means that visitors can just search the library by theme, figure out what they want to view, and your sketchbook will be found. As the artist/maker/author you can get updates on how many times it been viewed. The beauty in all this is that the person who makes the work and then the person who views the sketchbooks are now in conversation; the sketchbooks forming physical testimonies of lives lived, documented and shared.

About The Sketchbook

About The Sketchbook

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