Meet the heart and soul of the Sketchbook Library of Ireland – our adorable black kitten called Sketch! Let us tell you how he came to be our office companion.

  • Little Sketch came to us one cold, wet night last September. He was found shivering and wet, late at night, by a kind hearted pizza delivery man. That kind hearted person was my son! He couldn’t leave the poor soaked kitten, so he bundled him up and brought him home. The poor wee thing was skinny, and needed care and attention. While our other two cats were a bit put out by this new arrival, they are all now the best of friends!
  • Sketch has brought so much fun to the office, his natural curiosity is a joy to behold. Everything needs to be explored, and played with! And when he is tired from all his pouncing, and has his belly full, he loves to curl up on my lap (or on the keyboard) and sleep. It’s been wonderful to see him become part of our daily life. And, while I do have more to tell you about the incorrigible Sketch, that will have to wait for another post!
  • He reminds me of another library cat from many years ago. And while this cat was white, I cannot help but think that perhaps our little Sketch is a descendant!

Pangur Bán” is an Old Irish poem, written circa the 9th century by an Irish monk about his cat.

1. I and Pangur Bán, my cat,

  ’Tis a like task we are at;

  Hunting mice is his delight,

  Hunting words I sit all night.

2. Better far than praise of men

  ’Tis to sit with book and pen;

  Pangur bears me no ill-will,

  He, too, plies his simple skill.

3. ’Tis a merry thing to see

  At our tasks how glad are we,

  When at home we sit and find

  Entertainment to our mind.

4. Oftentimes a mouse will stray

  In the hero Pangur’s way;

  Oftentimes my keen thought set

  Takes a meaning in its net.

5. ’Gainst the wall he sets his eye

  Full and fierce and sharp and sly;

  ’Gainst the wall of knowledge I

  All my little wisdom try.

6. When a mouse darts from its den,

  O! how glad is Pangur then;

  O! what gladness do I prove

  When I solve the doubts I love.

7. So in peace our task we ply,

  Pangur Bán, my cat, and I;

  In our arts we find our bliss,

  I have mine, and he has his.

8. Practice every day has made

  Pangur perfect in his trade;

  I get wisdom day and night,

  Turning darkness into light.

Ready to create with our feline muse? Share your Sketchbook Library Kitten moments using #SketchbookKitten and join the vibrant community of artists inspired by our whiskered friend.