FAQ’s – Sketchbook Library Ireland

The Sketchbook Library of Ireland aims to be a non-profit organisation. However this does not mean it can exist without covering it’s expenses and meeting the cost of materials, postage, website hosting and staff to ensure all runs smoothly. Although we are only just starting our journey of creating the largest sketchbook library in Ireland, one that will be available to everyone to enjoy online as well as bringing the physical sketchbooks on tour to schools and colleges, and, participating in exhibitions and events, we recognise that this is a big undertaking and that we will need the resources to support the growth of the project into the future.

By buying a sketchbook you are supporting us to achieve our vision, not just to build this library, but also to foster creativity and art in an inclusive way. Current sketchbook libraries in Ireland are associated with Art Colleges or Design Schools and in order to have your work included there you have to be a student of art and design. We know there are so many people out there with that creative spark that deserve a space in the visual history of our little country, so many who, although they have no formal training, have drive and talent. It would be a shame to lose all of that deliciousness to posterity by failing to provide an inclusive way for everyone to leave a little of their creative legacy behind them.

We aim to house the library personally as it grows, until we need, and can afford, a designated premises to hold it. In the meantime we will undertake to bring it around the country and also to provide a digital online library which can be accessed globally, and which will become a digital archive of the material we curate on your behalf.

And all of this, my friends, takes dedication, time and money! Not to feed a big multinational but to enable our work to continue in a small, not-for-profit organisation run by four creative and passionate ladies.

Anyone who is Irish by birth, citizenship/ seeking citizenship or by place of residence is welcome to partake in the Sketchbook Library of Ireland Project.

Your book comes with a Unique Identifier Number on a sticker found on the back cover of your sketchbook. This will identify it as yours once you register it. 

Each book has 20 pages. 40 back and front.

PLEASE NOTE: You CANNOT send in previously made sketchbooks. All books must start with our blank book. It’s part of the challenge! 

The list of themes will be found on the leaflet that comes with your book. The themes are supposed to be a starting point, not a restriction, so don’t feel constrained by them, indeed you are free to totally ignore them and come up with your own if you wish. There is no hurry in selecting a theme as you will have the option to select it later when you register your book, or opt not to use one of the themes we have given you. It’s all up to you!

We have total respect for artist ownership. By submitting your sketchbook to the Sketchbook Library of Ireland, you still retain ownership of your work. We own the physical sketchbook, but your work is your work. You do grant us a license to use it as needed to promote our work, but we do our best to make sure you are always credited. We have NO plans to ever sell the original work, however, if that ever did come up, we MUST contact you with a responsible amount of time for you to respond.

You can register your book anytime between when you receive it and before you send it back. When you fill out the registration form you will be asked for the UIN on the back of your Sketchbook, you cannot register without this unique identifier.

Sketchbook packs of five or more automatically come with a 10% discount! the more the merrier! Let’s get creative together.

Pop over to our website and register your Sketchbook before you put it in the post. Feel free to send your book back earlier than the postmark deadline. Late books will have to wait before traveling with the library around the country. We promise we’ll let you know when we have received your completed sketchbook so be sure to give us an up-to-date email address for correspondence.

After the postmark due date, we will add all of that volumes’ books to our library. Everyone who sends their completed sketchbook back in time will have their book included, but late entries may not be sent on tour with the others from their volume.

For now, the pilot books will be digitised to allow us to properly set up the digital library so that everyone can search through our catalog and enjoy the wonderful creativity within. Further details on digitising your sketchbook will be available in the near future.

That’s wonderful, just fill in your own name when placing the order, it can be sent to an address of your choosing if required. The Sketchbook will not be registered until the recipient completes the online registration using their unique ID Number.

We are a small organisation, but we can assure you that sketchbooks and accompanying prompts and instructions will be in the post within 10 days of you placing your order.

FAQ’s – Sketchbook Library Ireland – Contact Us If You Need More Information