Sometimes we are at a loss for inspiration! What do I put into my sketchbook? Do I theme it or just use it like a journal changing focus as I progress through it. Do I select a colour theme before I start, or just go with the flow day to day?

I find a sketchbook to be very freeing and use it as a way to try out new ideas or to tease out a new direction for my artwork. So my sketchbooks, like me, are quite eclectic. They are generally mixed media by the time I get to the end, utising pen, watercolour, acrylics, markers and even collage and decoupage at times. My sketchbook gives me permission to play in a small scale and this playfulness has been known to inspire new pieces and techniques in my art.

But I do recognise that ‘artists block’ that comes from searching fruitlessly for inspiration, so I will be writing a few blog posts about different prompts that can help to alleviate the creative blockage and get the creativity flowing again.

One Word Prompts can trigger ideas and allow great scope for your own interpretation. One word can trigger a flow of consciousness that may surprise you! So here goes, some one word prompts to help you on your way!