I am an Irish artist, living in Tralee, Co. Kerry. I grew up on the Dingle Penninsula, surrounded by the beautiful Slieve Mish mountains and the many beaches found along the Wild Atlantic Way. The natural beauty of my surroundings has always, and continues to inspire my work. I have painted in watercolours from childhood. Early retirement from my career in business management afforded me the luxury of time to explore other media and styles of painting through workshops and learning activities. I constantly challenge myself to develop, grow and evolve as an artist.

The primary goal of my work is to communicate with emotion – through movement, colour and texture and through the use of symbols, particularly Celtic symbols. I see my work to date as a personal log of my artistic development, based very simply around scenes, concepts and ideas that have caught my attention. My paintings have been included in juried exhibitions as well as shown locally in Listowel, Tralee Library and in Siamsa Tire. Some of my artworks have been published in the Artists Eye on Kerry book in 2022. Everything I do relies heavily on observation and thought. I love to celebrate the everyday things we all take for granted in my art.

My style frequently changes. I use sketching as tool to explore new ways of expressing myself . This is the most exciting aspect of my development as an artist.